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Ramona Morrow | Canadian Children's Book Author and Blogger
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Thank you for visiting Book Marketing and Promotion Ideas to learn more about Virtual Book Tours. Below you will find a list of 30+ Top Virtual Book Tours that will be extremely useful with the promotion of your book. Virtual Book Tours are sometimes called, Book Blog Tours or Virtual Author Tours. They can also include book cover and synopsis, book excerpts, book giveaways, book reviews, character interviews, contests, cover reveal, guest blog posts, interviews, podcasts or radio show appearances, social network events, video content posted by blogs and webinars. Every book tour site differs in the genres they promote, venues, and the type of content.
Virtual Book Tours or Book Blog Tours consist of numerous bloggers to review or interview you about your upcoming or published book. The blogger or publicity website will publish the review or interview on their blog or website. They will make it available to their hundreds or thousands of followers. This is how they will generate buzz for your book.
Virtual Book Tours are typically done as part of the launch of a new book. After your book has been published or even on the market for a while you can still start a virtual book tour and still have a successful promotion. You know when the publicity pays off because it creates sales for your book and revenue in your pocket. Some of the virtual book tours I have done in the past didn't monetarily pay off well, but in the end they did generate book buzz.
Make sure you take advantage of everything that virtual book tour sites offer. Use the virtual book tour sites that offer a different variety of promotional tools. Thoroughly review each virtual book tour site to make sure your book will fit in with their genre and it suits the type of book promotion and price you are looking for. Make sure you give the blog host a complimentary copy of your book. With my book, Jamie's Pet, I give them a copy of the book and a couple of days later I heard back. They told me "It would be a honor for them to do a book review, author review, or a book reading." That is when you know you have a good book. You have hooked the blog host and now you have to hook their readers into buying your book.
You don't need to do all virtual book tours and book blog tours at once. Pick out one or two virtual book tours a month or every two weeks depending on your financial situation. Make sure they offer different promotional tools. You don't want duplicate book tours at the same time. You want to make sure that you cover the book market with different book offerings, book giveaways, book reviews, book and author interviews, spotlight radio interviews, podcasts, webinars that create wonderful book buzz. Once you are finished with the guest blog interview or book review and it has been added to the host blog's website, you need to link back from your website to their website. Your next step is to share with your social media networks and the host blog website shares with their social media networks. This is how your book buzz and audience grow.
Building an audience for your book will take a lot of energy, planning, time, and don't forget patience. Do what will feel comfortable for you and stay within your promotional and marketing budget. That is the key. Don't get carried away because virtual book tours are just one portion of your promotional and marketing plan and campaign. With the virtual book tours I don't follow the normal rule where you just concentrate on book tours for two to four weeks. I do them throughout the year until I do them all. As an author you are always trying to find new ways, old ways to promote and market your book. You are not doing it for weeks then waiting for the money to roll in. Remember, you need to create book buzz 24 hours a day even when you are sleeping. That is why virtual book tours are a powerful promotional tool for authors because they create book buzz while you are sleeping.
More valuable information on the Book Marketing and Promotion Ideas page that will help your book or company.
I am leaving the websites I found where the 'Page No Longer Exists", so you don't keep going to them thinking you haven't seen this one. I think my long-term memory is going. When searching the internet, I would come across some of them thinking I never saw them before until I open up their home page again. So, I started a list and now I don't have to go to them anymore.
I hope you find this information helpful in your marketing and promoting adventure. I decided not to charge for this information as other people do. The only form of payment I want is for you to purchase my book, Jamie's Pet children's paperback book available on Amazon only if you want to. It is your way of paying it forward. Remember, please leave a review where you bought the book.
All companies and individuals are encouraged to read and understand each service, their policies, and then decide if they are the right fit for you.
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Orangeberry Book Tours - Beware: A Porn Site when you click on link
Read Between the Lines Blog Tour - Content Warning: Before entering site
Author Blog Tours
B3 Blog Tours and Publishing
B.A. Book Tours
Black Lion Virtual Book Tours
Book Blasts Blog Tour
Book Delight
Book Enthusiast Promotions
Book Marketing Services
Book Monster Productions
The Book Nymph
Book Tango
Book Tour Tips
CLP Blog Tours
CM Book Tours
Dark Scream Virtual Book Tours
Diverse Book Tour
Elite Book Promotions
Fiction Addition Book Tours
Fire and Ice Book Tours
Girls Heart Book Tours
Grape Vine Book Tours
Hedges Virtual Book Tours
Italy Book Tours
LitFuse Publicity
Masquerade Book Tours
Me, My Shelf and I Book Tour
Mrs. Potter's Book Publicity Services
My Book Tour
Never Ending Romance
Never Land Blog Tours
Prompt Book Tours
Sizzling PR
Sparkle Book Tours
Virtual Book Tour Café
Whirlwind Virtual Book Tours
WorldWin Virtual Book Tours
FREE Download Virtual Book Tour Email Pitch Template here:
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Virtual Book Tour Email Pitch Template.pdf Size : 97.112 Kb Type : pdf |
For My Virtual Book Tour Email Pitch Template, I use this one I found from Self-Publishing Review – Article: 27 Places to Get a Book Tour . This sample came from an excerpted from Build Book Buzz Publicity Form & Templates. This template has all the information you are going to need.
Email Pitch Template
Your brief email message should include the following information:
Your name, book title and any special, relevant expertise: Put this in the first two or three sentences.
Your Proposal: Are you proposing a book review? An author Q & A with the blogger? An author Q & A with blog readers? Author posting on the blog? etc. What is it you want the book tour to do and what exactly you are paying for? Be specific.
Timing: When is your virtual book tour?
Other information that will influence the blogger: This might include links to favorable book reviews or an upcoming event that makes your proposal timely. Think in terms of what might influence the blogger to accept your proposal.
Your book's announcement press release: Paste this into the body of the email below your signature. It's important background information that will answer, many of the bloggers' questions about the book.
Next steps: Will you send a book if they write back saying they'd like to see it? Send a follow-up note in a few days? Make it clear who should do what next.
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