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Web Directories and Search Engines

Thank you for visiting Book Marketing and Promotion Ideas to learn more about Web Directories and Search Engines. You will find a list of FREE web directories and search engines that you submit your book, company, business, or website to. This list is a work in progress. I'm not finished with the FREE web directories and search engines. Eventually there will be the PAID Web Directories and Search Engines who charge a small fee to include your book, company, business, or website. I hope this page will help you get your book, company, business, or website included to some of these web directories and search engines.

Free Web Directories and Search Engines

I have scoured the internet looking for the best website directories and search engines. I am compiling a list of FREE Website Directories and Search Engines where I submitted my website to. These directories and search engines are perfect for my website and genre of my book, Jamie's Pet.

Researching where to promote your book or new website I kept coming across tons of articles commenting backlinks are very useful for driving traffic to your website. No one can complain about getting too much traffic to your website. Can they.

The only downside to this, it takes a lot of time to find the web directories and search engines to find out not all of them are FREE or have FREE options. The web directories offer the FREE Regular Link, FREE Regular Link with Reciprocal Link, Feature Link, Premium Link, and/or Lifetime Link Version. You have to figure out which one you want to use. I opted to use ONLY FREE Regular Links for now. Eventually I will compile a list with PAID Web Directories and Search Engines when I complete my this list first.

To my fellow authors who need backlinks for your website or to promote your book please feel FREE to use these directories and search engines here first to help you out. This will save you time and a whole lot of hassle so you don't have to scour the internet. I did some of the work for you. Keep coming back to this page because I will be adding more every time, I come across a FREE directory or search engine that I submit to.

FREE submissions take a long time before they are added to their directory or search engine. Anywhere from one month to six months. Paid submissions, of course, take only days to a couple of weeks to be added to their website. Right now, I am behind the eight-ball trying to catch up. Even though it takes a long time, I still find it worth the trouble because the links will all become live around the same time. I strongly urge you to get started immediately if you haven't don so yet.

If you have found this information helpful please let me know. If you come across FREE or PAID Web Directories and/or Search Engines, I haven't come across yet. please let me know.

More valuable information on the Book Marketing and Promotion Ideas page that will help your book or company.

I hope you find this information helpful in your marketing and promoting adventure. I decided not to charge for this information as other people do. The only payment I want is for you to purchase my book, Jamie's Pet children's book available on Amazon only if you want to. Remember, leave a customer review where you purchased the children's book.

All companies and individuals are encouraged to read and understand each service, their policies, and then decide if they are the right fit for you.

Report any Broken Links so they can be fixed.

FREE Download Web Directories and Search Engines Links here:

Web Directories and Search Engines List.pdf Web Directories and Search Engines List.pdf
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