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Ramona Morrow | Canadian Children's Book Author and Blogger
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For all questions, please contact Ramona Morrow at the contact form below or email Ramona at
Welcome to Ramona Morrow Books where you will learn more about Author Ramona Morrow with this Question-and-Answer Page. These Frequently Asked Questions of Ramona. Here are Ramona's Answers. Yes, you can ask Ramona questions as well. Email her and see your question(s) here. This is where you will find your question asked and answered here. Please give Ramona ample time to answer questions since she receives a lot of emails.
Question: Ramona, what is your favorite color?
Ramona's Answer: My favorite color is blue. All shades of blue except navy. For some reason I don't care for that color.
Question: Ramona who/what was your inspiration to write this book?
Ramona's Answer: My son was my inspiration for writing Jamie's Pet.
Question: Ramona what motivated you to eventually begin work on this book?
Ramona's Answer: When Jamie was younger, he like it when I would tell him stories with his name inserted in them. It made him feel special. Jamie heard a song on the radio, 'Jamie's Cryin', and he thought the song was written for him. No matter how many times I told him it wasn't. He didn't believe me. I decided to write a story for him about him. Then, he told me I was the best mom. That's all I needed to hear.
Question: Ramona was this book influenced by your own personal life experiences?
Ramona's Answer: I guess it was. I took Jamie to visit a pet store when he was little, and this is how our visit went.
Question: Ramona how do you overcome writers block? How long did it take for you to complete the manuscript?
Ramona's Answers: I found the best way for me to overcome writers block was to step away from my manuscript. I would watch TV or a movie, listen to music, or clean the house. Sometimes it would take a few hours to a few weeks before I went back to the manuscript. Once I stepped away, I didn't think about the manuscript at all. I just cleared my mind. Then, out of nowhere, ideas would come flowing and I could go back to writing again. It took me about 6 months to complete the manuscript. I kept revising it. I would leave it for awhile, then go back, and read it again. The process would repeat itself until I was happy with the manuscript and nothing else needed to be changed.
Question: Ramona is this your first officially published work? Are you working on another book or sequel/prequel?
Ramona's Answer: Yes, Jamie's Pet is my first officially published work. I am in the process of writing a second book.
Question: Ramona what types of books do you read for leisure? Do the books you read for leisure influence what you write?
Ramona's Answer: I read autobiographies like Michelle Obama, Shania Twain, Tina Turner, Anderson Cooper, and Gloria Vanderbilt for example. I also read cookbooks and cake decorating books. I read them like novels. No, they don't really influence what I write.
Question: Ramona discuss the pride of being a published author.
Ramona's Answer: The pride of being a published author is like nothing I felt before I was so proud of myself, so happy, so gitty, and so relieved it was over and finally published. My baby is now my reality. No matter who I came across I pulled Jamie's Pet out of my purse to show them my book.
Question: Ramona how did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
Ramona's Answer: My process of writing never changed when I published my first book. I still follow the same process because it works for me.
Question: Ramona do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Ramona's Answer: I am more of an original writer than trying to deliver what my readers want. Less pressure as a writer.
Question: Ramona if you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
Ramona's Answer: I would tell my younger self to be more disciplined with my writing. Write about everything. This would help polish my writing skills and make me more of a confident writer.
Question: Ramona what does literary success look like to you?
Ramona's Answer: Literary success looks like J.K. Rowling. I would love to be successful like her.
Question: Ramona what's the best way you think to market your book?
Ramona's Answer: The best way to market my book is Press Releases, Book Fairs, Advertising, and Book Signings. Basically, as much exposure as possible to get the word out there.
Question: Ramona what kind of research do you do? How long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
Ramona's Answer: The research I did was taking my son to the pet store to see what kind of animals they had, what products they sold, and what a pet store looked like.
Question: Ramona how many hours a day do you write?
Ramona's Answer: I write about 4 hours a day or more if the words are flowing. If I have ideas, I write. I don't force the process.
Question: Ramona what are the ethics of writing about your book?
Ramona's Answer: The ethics of writing about my book was to make my book perfect, promote and market the book everywhere and treat my book as a small business venture that must succeed. Do everything I can to make the book well-known and for every child to have a copy and love the book.
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